Wednesday, July 8, 2020

It's A Crazy Time of Year, and We're Here to Help

Anonymous 7/08/2020

At SPAN Enterprises, July 1st marks a shift in the year: it’s when the IRS begins accepting Form 2290 for the 2020-2021 season. And it gets our attention because truck drivers from all over the country have to file and pay their Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT)...

...Or Truck Tax, as we’ve been calling it for more than a decade.

If our truckers have a motor vehicle that weighs more than 55,000 pounds, then they will need to file their 2290. We know this. Our clients, the professional drivers who have maintained and carried on despite the pandemic, know this too.

This tax applies to more than 3 million of those truck drivers.

Part of the crunch that is felt from this tax is due to A.) the sheer number of drivers who need to file and, B.) that every one of those aforementioned drivers will need to file their new returns by August 31, 2020.

Two months. Sixty days. Since the beginning of COVID-19 there have been tax extensions and delays for other tax deadlines, but there has not been one granted for filing Form 2290.

I don’t have to go on about why 2020 has been challenging. Everyone has felt it, and our truckers are no exception. On top of having to provide for themselves and their families during a nationwide shutdown due to a pandemic, they are also forced to file their taxes as normal.

We’re by no means complaining. But this is a time when truckers are either trying to work more due to limited supplies, or maybe they're running more frequently to keep Americans fed and supplied. Behind every stocked shelf there is a truck driver who spends hours on the road and months away from their families to get it there.

What we are saying is that they have a hard job, and we respect them for it.

What we also want to say is this: we are here to help. ExpressTruckTax has been the market leader for Form 2290 e-filing for ten years. This is something we stand behind and are equally as proud of.

To avoid delays, truckers can file with us before June 30th with ExpressTruckTax. After they are completed, they will go to the IRS on July 1st, the first available day to send them. If you’re a trucker on the road, no matter where you are on July 1st, your forms will be going to the IRS.

ExpressTruckTax provides a simplified, interview-style e-filing solution designed to get truckers back on the road as quickly as possible. While you’re doing your job, we’ll be doing ours: making sure your filings get to the IRS early. You’ll be among the first people to receive your proof of payment which is a stamped Schedule 1. And this is a must-have for when you go to register your vehicle.

Part of the reason why we offer e-filing because our truckers move. It’s their job. It’s their life. Time is critical. ExpressTruckTax is a cloud-based solution with 100% US-based support staffed by trained professionals.

No matter where they are, our truckers can stop and e-file their Form 2290 in minutes. That’s efficiency. That’s the solution we offer.

2020 hasn’t been easy for anyone. But we are committed to making your 2290 as stress-free as possible.

Try ExpressTruckTax Today!


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