Morning rituals have the ability to make or break the day. It can affect your family life and even work productivity. When you unconsciously roll out of bed late, argue with family while rushing out the door and battle with traffic, the tone set for the workday is frazzled and frustrated. However, if you arise early and spend time preparing the mind and body for the day, you feel energized and motivated for whatever lies ahead.
If you’re currently in a morning rut that transpires into a rat wheel race for the rest of the day: Do not despair; turn it around with a few simple changes. Follow the tips below and support your concerted effort to create a positive morning routine.These rituals lead to a more productive work day and a more fulfilling day overall.
Better Starts in Bed
Getting no less than seven to eight hours of sleep will curb the crankiness. Make a point of going to bed early — you will feel more refreshed and ready to greet the day. Also, when the alarm goes off, don’t hit snooze, get up and get going. The act of hitting snooze defines the morning as an unwelcome visitor. Make friends — stretch and smile and give salutations to the sun. One more thing, remember to make your bed. This gives closure to sleep time and prevents further unruffling of the sheets.Spend Time in Silence
Rushing to cloud the mind with news or morning talk shows averts attention from what’s going on inside. Face anxieties head on with some positive self-dialogue. Release fears and don’t add to them with social media drama and stress-inducing crime stats. Ease into the day with silence or soft, instrumental music giving your brain time to warm up in a pleasurable way.Set Your Intentions
Instead of allowing others to dictate how your day will go, consciously choose how you want to feel, act and be. There are many ways to do this, so you have to find what works best for you. Some examples are journaling, meditation, reading or listening to inspirational messages and repeating positive affirmations. Find the best method to use everyday or change it up. However you accomplish this, it’s vital to take ownership of your intentions.Take Care of Your Body
They say people who exercise in the morning are more alert and productive throughout the day. Set aside time for exercise — whether it’s walking, running or yoga — get the heart rate up and blood pumping. After getting your sweat on, spend some quality time getting ready. Try out a new hairstyle, paint your fingernails, or iron the wrinkles out of your best suit. The way we present ourselves symbolizes to the world (and ourselves) how we feel and how we should be treated. Dress like a business leader and you will be treated as a business leader.Learn Something
Watch an inspirational video while drinking coffee. Listen to NPR or a book on tape during the daily commute to work. Research something that insights creativity. Remain curious about the world and everything in it. Coming to work thinking like a student opens a world of opportunity.Fine tune these little habits to solidify a morning routine that picks up your potential and you will lead a more engaging, thought-provoking, productive and joyous lifestyle.
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